def BubbleSort(List):#This is the 'BubbleSort' function OR repetable code for i in range(0, len(List)):#Loop Through 5 times Moving Down the List for i in range(0, len(List) -1 ):#Will Run 5 Times Doing The Nexct Swap if List[i] > List[i + 1]:#If the fist Number "11" is GREATER than The Next "2" ___This is True___ Temp = List[i]#Random Veriable = "11" List[i] = List[i +1]# "11" IS NOW "2" ___The Swap__ List[i + 1] = Temp #The Next Number IS SET TOO = ("TEMP" OR 11) #---We have taken the number 11 and compeared it to the next which is 2 #---We have checked to see if 11 is GREATER than 2 #---Wich it is #---So we store 11 In 'TEMP' #---Then Set Number 11 to NOW BE 2 #---Then Set the onld Number 2 TO NOW BE ("Temp or 11") return List #Bring the New Sorted Values Out of the Function UnsortedList = [11,2,3,44,5] # the list in its un sorted form print(BubbleSort(UnsortedList)) # We print out Our "SORTED LIST" passing in the "UN SORTED LIST"